Title: Winter Tips For Beautiful Skin And Good Health
Winter weather is one of the most difficult time for the skin health & not fun for skin at all. Harsh cold winds combined with low humidity levels steal the moisture away from the skin every second of each day in winters.Indoor heat further reduces the moisture from the skin, as do the hot showers.
Here are some easy day to day tips that will help you have a glowing supple skin in winters:-
1. Drink water, even if you are not thirsty!!
We tend to drink less water in the winter because we turn to hot drinks like green tea, coffee, cocoa and tea, but don’t forget that your skin needs hydration from the inside, out in all climate conditions. A little warm water with a slice of lemon can be very refreshing and hydrating at the same time. This ritual can be done first ting in the morning as well as multiple times during the day. This will help your body to have an alkaline Ph which in turn helps your skin to stay clean and fresh inside, out. Some people say they do not like the taste of plain water, so you can always add some slices of fresh cucumber or some slices of lemon in water, Also one can try some fresh mint leaves and that shall also make a really refreshing drink which is good to taste.
2. Eatthe right foods for winters!
By eating the right foods as per the climate you can actually help your skin stay Hydrated from the inside out. Cut down on artificial sugars completely (since it is the best time to detox, post-Christmas indulgences)
For example-Eating foods high in water content can help hydrate your skin from the inside out. Try pomegranate,grapes,papaya,passionfruit,watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, oranges, kiwi, and watery veggies like celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and carrots. Also you need to make sure you’re getting enough vitamin C and zinc to support the healthy production of collagen and elastin levels in body. Also consider an omega-3 supplement, or consume more fish or flaxseed to give your skin the building blocks it needs to stay supple and smooth from within.Pure Gold Collagen,for instance, has the perfect balance of stable Vitamin C and zinc that the skin needs during winters.
3. Wash with Lukewarm Water &moisturize immediately afterwards:-
Hot showers and baths always more comforting in the winters, but they can be harsh on skin as they tend to dry off the skin more rapidly, particularly when just washing your face or hands; choose lukewarm water to avoid robbing the skin off with its natural oils. Cultivate a habit to moisture right after you wash. Applying moisture to damp skin helps seal that dampness/moisture into the skin. Keep a bottle near the bathtub, shower, and at every sink and use liberally every time you wash.This should be as a habit not just a luxury.
4.Change your facial cleanser in winters
Try and use a cleanser containing aloe vera, natural fruit acids and lemon. Aloe vera has the power to restore as well as seal moisture within the skin layers and has potent healing properties too. It is an anti-oxidant that speeds up the process of cell-renewal by counter acting oxidative stress.Aloe Vera also helps in removing dead cells, thereby accelerating cell regeneration,repair and delays ageing process.
5.Use a sunscreen; yes you need it in winters too.
People like to enjoy the some sun during winter but little do they know that exposure to the sun can hasten ageing process. Therefore, one must use an organic superior quality sunscreen 15 minutes prior to going out . If you stay out in the sun for more than 30 minutes, reapply the sunscreen.
#Enlightened thought
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